Just another day of livin' the dream! :) I was off from my day gig and ended up working the office of the House from 9 til 2:30, and that's always a good time for me. I like being around during office hours to be reminded how things work here, and meeting/interacting with the families in the House. I also learned tonight that Watson really can reach his incision site and has been licking, so he may be on the road to a lampshade! Time shall tell...actually, about 9 hours tomorrow shall tell as he's unsupervised while I'm at work. :)
So the pic tonight is my cousin Lea Ann's hand (I think!) and Baby Presley. Presley was a preemie and now at the ripe ol age of 3.5 years, she's rockin the world developmentally. The picture is just a reminder to give thanks for the little things in life. And a good reminder to me to realize the families in this House need a smile and a warm welcome when they come in after a long day at the hospital. :)
Sleep well,
Sleep well,