Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Nothing new to report....

Just another day of livin' the dream! :) I was off from my day gig and ended up working the office of the House from 9 til 2:30, and that's always a good time for me. I like being around during office hours to be reminded how things work here, and meeting/interacting with the families in the House. I also learned tonight that Watson really can reach his incision site and has been licking, so he may be on the road to a lampshade! Time shall tell...actually, about 9 hours tomorrow shall tell as he's unsupervised while I'm at work. :)
So the pic tonight is my cousin Lea Ann's hand (I think!) and Baby Presley. Presley was a preemie and now at the ripe ol age of 3.5 years, she's rockin the world developmentally. The picture is just a reminder to give thanks for the little things in life. And a good reminder to me to realize the families in this House need a smile and a warm welcome when they come in after a long day at the hospital. :)
Sleep well,

Monday, September 29, 2008

Watson's home!

My boy Watson is back from the day at the vet. Dr. Lefevre was confident that he got the whole cyst, and should have the path report back next week. I now have a sleeping hound dog and a jacked-up terrier trying to pick a fight....I'm trying to convince her to leave him alone and let sleeping dogs lie! :)

For fairness' sake, I've posted a picture of Peanut....everyone asks why I never but it's impossible to get a good shot of her. Here she is, grinning after a special birthday treat!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Watson Dog

One more thing....Watson has surgery tomorrow to remove a cancerous tumor from his side. He should come through like a champ, but I'm nervous! How do I post his pic here???? Must learn how to blog...........................


Hey Friends and Family!
I've created a blog! I have no idea why, other than it seemed like fun tonight. I'll use this tool to share totally irrelevant, funny stories, or very relevant, funny stories. Either way, it just seemed like the thing to do. I look forward to uploading pictures, sharing funny things, sharing other things, and reading your thoughts as well. Who knows...maybe soon I'll actually get a digital camera and be able to upload photos as well...it is 2008, after all!
Til next time!