Sunday, July 19, 2009

WOW! It's been a long time! :)

Hello friends!

I must confess. Facebook has stolen my time from blogging. I know I know. I'm a FBaddict. What can I say?

There's not too much going on here.....summer is zipping by, and I'm counting down the days til I got to Tampa (Aug 5) and then to Oak Island (Aug 22) for the best week ever with April and her family, and Trever and her family. I am soooooo ready to go. What league softball is on summer break, but starts back the week of Aug 10, and now I'm playing in the hospital league. It's fun but very different from city league.

So I'll post a few pics for your viewing pleasure....if you're on FB, you've seen them already. But just wanted to post a note to say hi.


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