Monday, December 8, 2008

Anyone have one of these????

Update this afternoon:

Well, Mike just called and said he’s called 15 salvage yards and no one has a filler neck for the ‘Doobie. He has to order a new part, so he’ll have it by the end of the week. Ugh ugh ugh. But he did say that if I don’t put anymore gas in it, it shouldn’t leak anymore, so maybe I won’t blow up the House when someone tosses a cigarette in the parking lot!

So unless you are the offspring of my siblings, “MERRY FREAKIN CHRISTMAS!” Due to significant budget cuts, that’s what you get from me this year. hmm....wonder if I could get a bailout....

Jeanie L Baird Grinch

(It’s really hard to be a Grinch with Josh Groban singing “O Holy Night!”)

Original email....

So friends, my 11 year old Suburdoobie is back in the shop. It’s not a great sign when you go into the shop and they know you by name and remember Subaru’s anti-theft feature that means you have to turn the left signal on to start the car. But I’ve noticed gas leaking a few times, and with my history of exploding cars, I really didn’t want to push my luck. The guy just called me and said the ‘filler neck’ is rusting out, and every time I park on a hill and every time I put gas in the car, it’s going to leak. Ugh. A new filler neck costs $209, so he’s calling salvage yards to see if he can find one. I asked him if it would blow up, and he paused and said ‘well, it shouldn’t.’ Reassuring! Ugh ugh ugh…..

Maybe Santa will bring me a reliable vehicle…I believe…I believe!!!!

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