Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Economy Eschonomy!!!

Hey Folks,
Just wanted to post a quick note. You know where I live, and how much I love this House. This week we lost a 16 year old, CJ, to Ewings Sarcoma. That was Monday. Tuesday, we found out Jen (17 year old) has relapsed and will be back next week to start more chemo. Dang it. This week has sucked.

BUT we had a staff meeting Monday, and our Exec. Director was updating us on the expansion project, the financial reports, etc. Someone asked if we should be cutting our budgets (which really means offering our families less) and the ED said that if anyone should ask us how the House is handling the 'economic crisis' in the US, why we are getting ready to build and expand this year, if our budgets are struggling, etc, to reply and simply say "Our Kids can not wait for a stable economy to fight cancer." WOW! That hit me like a Mack Truck. That's what it's about, folks.

SO no matter what non-profit you support, don't give up on them!! Think strategically. Budget. Whatever it takes. I also realize and claim that I SUCK at finances and I am NOT one to preach about it, but I know the families who live in my House to be near their babies/kids at the hospitals, and I see the need. Please continue to support the causes you support. The Lord will honor your gifts.

Ok. Now I've said it. I'm going to bed.


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