Saturday, January 24, 2009

People, Please supervise your babies!!!!

Hey Folks,
Happy Saturday! I was awakened to the clammering of the lovely fire alarm here at the good ol RMH!!! We had a 4 year old who was here, running wild, and he thought it would be fun to pull the alarm. Long story short, I was not a very nice person, 15 families were evacuated to the parking lot, and one family is not staying here anymore. UGH! But it's been a nice, lazy day since 8:30 this morning. My dogs and I took an hour long stroll through Ardmore and loved the sunshine. It's good for the soul!
I hope you each have a good day tomorrow. Enjoy it.

1 comment:

Regan said...

Friend... It now says yo are posting as April Wilson! FYI!!! Had fn at dinner... Some of my keys on my pter are not working... alas...