Friday, October 3, 2008

Happy Friday!!!

Hey all,
I heard from the vet yesterday about Watson's tumor. The news is good. It was indeed a Stage 2 Mast Cell tumor, but the somethin-somethin-somethin index was very low, which is EXCELLENT!! I just have to watch him for new tumors, etc. No selling of my kidney/ovaries to fund chemo for my boy!!!
He's been a champ this week. After the first day, he hasn't really messed with his stitches or tried to do too much, but he's been playful and walking like a fool when we go outside! So all is well. I'm happy. He feels good. Peanut is neurotic as ever. That's the life for the Crazy Dog Lady!
So have a fantistic weekend. Enjoy the cool temps and sunshine! I know I will!!!

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